
An der Shenzhen Universität hat die Eröffnungszeremonie des Chinesisch-Deutschen Forschungszentrums stattgefunden.

August 23, 2018

An der Shenzhen Universität hat die Eröffnungszeremonie des Chinesisch-Deutschen Forschungszentrums stattgefunden.

Opening Ceremony of the Chinese-German Research Center "Computational Imaging and Optical Metrology" at the Shenzhen University of Shenzhen, China, supported by the Chinese Science Foundation and the German Research Association (Project GZ 1391). The ceremony took place with the participation of Professor Dr. Li Qingquan, President of the Shenzhen University, Mrs. Shi Xiaoyi, Director Associate of the Sino-German Science Center, Academician Prof. Qifeng Yu, Changsha University, Prof. Xiang Peng, Shenzhen University, Prof. Wolfgang Osten, University Stuttgart and further well known Chinese Scientists. Further information can be found here.

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